Sunday, March 26, 2017

Drowning Incidents in the City of Eau Claire, Wisconsin

December 18, 2016

            The purpose of this study is to look at the distribution of drowning incidents that occur within the city limits of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. In doing so, studies conducted by M.S. Kappas (2012), Adnan Turgut (2014), and Amy Peden (2016), were used to develop a comprehensive strategy that would be employed for research methods. By conducting this research, data was collected to develop a risk analysis of the area of interest, and the victims associated with the drowning incidents. Data collected ranged from 2002 through 2016, and was obtained from public online news articles and local police records. The study found that high risk demographic trends for the City of Eau Claire, were associated with white males in their early twenties. Furthermore, the study found that alcohol was often a prevalent factor in these drownings. In conclusion, the information divulged from this study was then used as a way to recommend different mitigation strategies for the City of Eau Claire.

Research Question

I have lived in the City of Eau Claire since 2012, and each year brings news to different drowning related deaths within and around the city limits. Yet as these incidents kept occurring, I realized that there was very little talk within the community as to why they were happening and furthermore, how to stop future drownings from occurring. For this reason, I wanted to look at what the City of Eau Claire was doing to help remedy this issue. From this search I quickly found that although some data on this topic did exist, there was definite research gaps missing. As a result, my research question is as follows: what areas within Eau Claire’s waterways are more prone to fatal accidents, and what trends can be found within both victims and the locations of their accident? From this question, the main objective of my research is to use these locational and demographic trends to develop a risk analysis profile. This profile would then be used to provide mitigation based suggestions for the City of Eau Claire in order to help prevent future incidents from occurring.

            According to the World Health Organization (WHO), drowning is a process of respiratory impairment from submersion or immersion under a liquid (2002). During the process of reviewing drowning information provided by WHO, one fact in regards to the scope of the issue really stood out. In 2012 WHO estimated 372,000 drowning related deaths occurred around the world that year, making drowning the third biggest reason for unintentional deaths globally (2012). WHO goes on to state that this estimate is based only on recorded drownings. In reality, the annual number is actually much higher, and differences in the total amount verses the estimated, are due to a location’s economic ability to fund programs to correctly document each incident.

Figure 1: CDC data of the different locations of
 unintentional drownings within the US during 2007 (2011).
 These facts provided by WHO led me to investigate national statistics within the United States. It was during this search that the United States’ Center for Disease and Control’s (CDC) website was discovered. From this data source I uncovered a study that looked at drownings within the United States. Within this study, it was estimated that about 10 individuals drown within the United States each day (2014). Since the United States is a developed country, proper documentation methods are frequently made available to local communities, meaning that this estimate is much more accurate. Furthermore, during my search, I came across CDC data from 2002 that categorized where these drownings were occurring. Within figure 1, it can be seen that 52% of all reported drownings happen within natural waterways (i.e. boating and natural water) (2002). According to CDC, natural waterways include a wide range of features from rivers, streams and dams, to lakes, ponds and oceans. In a recent article written by Amy Peden, the author states that research for drowning prevention in specific natural water features is minuscule at best due to the generalized natural water category (2016).

Study Area

As previously eluded to, my research area, or area of interest (AOI) is consistent with the city limits of the City of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Figure 2 shows a generalized outline of these city limits within the AOI. To develop a better picture of Eau Claire, I pulled from sources such as the US Census Bureau and Google Earth. From the first source, the US Census Bureau (2015) estimated a total of 67,778 people living within the city limits in 2015, 48% being male. The second source, Google Earth (2016), was used to find relevant observations about the designated AOI. From this source it became rather prevalent that the city’s Eau Claire is dominated by dense urban development that surrounds the confluence of two different rivers, the Chippewa River and the Eau Claire. However, Google Earth (2016) also showed other river related features such as: an oxbow lake, multiple streams, a dam, and a resulting water reservoir. Furthermore, the area also includes the city’s local police department, the Luther Hospital, and two college campuses, the University of Eau Claire Wisconsin, and the Chippewa Valley Technical College. According to the US Census Bureau (2010), the total enrollment of students for these two colleges was 26,694 in 2010.

Figure 2: Study location within the City of Eau Claire (2016).

Literature Review

In order to do start my research, the first step that was adhered to was finding peer reviewed references that would formulate the structure of my project. Although many different references were used, there were four journal articles, that I deemed as being highly beneficial for developing the basis of my research.

 Over the course of the semester, different readings were given to supplement our personal understanding of how our research topics were related to the field geography. One such reading was “The Four Traditions of Geography” by William Pattison (1964). Based on this article, I believe that my research is composed of three separate traditions: area studies, “man-land”, and spatial traditions. The first tradition, area studies, is because my research is endemic to the City of Eau Claire. More specifically, my research looks at demographic and locational trends associated with drowning incidents within city limits. The second tradition, “man-land”, discusses the interactions people have with the environment. In relation to my study, I looked at causes for drowning in different river based features, and furthermore what can be done within the environment to help prevent future incidents from occurring. The final tradition, spatial, discusses the use of mapping techniques in order to show spatial distribution or relation of a topic. Again, in relation to my topic, a total of nine maps and seven graphs were made to help depict and special trends within my data.

Since I wanted to develop a risk analysis profile, I needed to find an article that would provide the basic structure of how to do so. This led me to “Assessing physical vulnerability for multi-hazards using an indicator-based methodology” by M.S. Kappas (2012). Within this study, the author discussed the flexible nature of a multi-hazard risk analysis approach. This approach can be adjusted to fit many different types of hazards. This is due to an indicator based approach to vulnerability. Kappas approach works by first identifying a study area and the relevant hazard associated with it. Then, data is collected based on previously determined vulnerability indicators. Once the data is collected, an assessment of those indicators can be done, and considerations can be made in relation to them. I found this useful because it provided a structural outline that could be modeled within my research.

            Since I already knew my study area, I wanted to find an article that discussed potential vulnerability indicators or attributes, associated with drowning. This lead me to a study entitled “A population-based study on deaths by drowning incidents in Turkey” by Adnan Turgut (2014). Within this article, the author discusses the current standards for recording drowning incidents and prevention management methods used within Turkey. Turgut’s article used online nationwide news articles over the span of five years, to develop a risk analysis that profiles drowning accidents within Turkey. In doing so, Turgut identified three main factors such as the victim’s sex, age, and general location of the accident. This article provided me with a starting point for what attributes I would include in my database. Like Turguta’s study, I used localized online news articles to find data such as: age, sex, and location, of individuals related to the accidents. In addition to online articles I also supplemented my data with police records to fill in any gaps found within my online search of the drowning victims.

            The final article I used to locate vulnerability indicators was Fatal river drowning: the identification of research gaps through a systematic literature review by Amy E. Peden (2016). Within this article, the author investigates different scientific literature that focuses on river drownings, in order to identify corresponding trends associated with victims such as: use of alcohol and nature of intent. Peden also identifies the risk factors of incident locations, and different recommended mitigation tactics. In doing so, the author also discusses data inconsistencies or research gaps that should be addressed in future river drowning studies. Peden hypothesizes that this lack of literature is due to generalized groups of different water features. For example, Peden’s review is based specifically on river related drownings. Yet, as the author points out, rivers are grouped into a larger category of natural waterways. Also depicted in this category are lakes, creeks, beaches, harbors, oceans and dams. As Peden notes, this combined category makes finding river specific literature harder to locate. From Peden’s review I was able to gain information on river drowning on a global scale and see what different countries are doing to combat this public safety issue. I also found it very useful that Peden explored both generalized and more specific examples of mitigation methods used in regards to waterways.


The first step in my research was to create an excel spreadsheet, figure 3, of drowning victim data. The attributes associated with said victims were based off of research done by Peden (2016) and Turgut (2014), and included factors such as; victim’s age, sex, their nature of intent and the possibility of alcohol in the bloodstream. Based on my location, and research objective, I also chose to add in attributes such as: generalized coordinates of the initial incident, month and year that the incident occurred in, and finally if the victim was a college student or not. To find this data I utilized three different sources, online newspaper articles and police reports, from 2002 to present, and Google Earth (2016).

Figure 3: Part of the excel spreadsheet created to exhibit drowning victim data (2016).

The first source was based on a similar study conducted by Turgut (2014), and pertained to the demographics of drowning victims within Turkey. To do so, Turgut (2014) used online newspaper articles as the main data source. Turgut (2014) chose this source because he wanted to use data that was readily available to the public. This is how I also decided to start my victim data search, and was thus provided with my study’s time frame. The second source I used, police reports, was used as a filler method to complete any data gaps associated with the victims. Lastly Google Earth (2016) was used to collect generalized points of longitude and latitude. Since no data exists for the exact locations of the drowning incidents, location had to established through newspaper articles, police records, and my personal judgement, thus generalizing them to specific locations based on those sources. 

The next step in my research was to create a geodatabase from the excel spreadsheet previously developed. To do this I had to assign domains to the different attributes associated with the data in ArcCatalog. Once this was done, I then had to create a point based feature class from the generalized locations of the incidents, meaning longitude and latitude points. Since the attribute table did not have designated coordinate system, USGS 1984 was applied to the point feature class to give them an accurate position within ArcMaps. From the newly created geodatabase, the point feature class was then added into ArcMap in order to locate areas within the AOI that were associated with locations collected. The new attributes table and risk analysis map were then used to find demographic and locational trends associated with the drowning incidents collected.


Based on the data collected, there were 22 different drowning incidents that occurred within the City of Eau Claire from 2002 through 2016. Of those 22 incidents, the general locations were found for 20. High risk locations were determined by the proximity of the incidents to one another. Based on this criteria, three separate locations were determined: Riverview Park, Lake Street Bridge, and Half Moon Beach. Figure 4 is the spatial representation of the 20 incident locations.

Figure 4: Locations within the study area that are associated with drowning incidents (2016).

While looking at the sex of the victims, it could be seen right away that there was a very high correspondence with males in relation to the drowning incidents. More specifically, 20 of the victims were male leaving only 2 as being female. Figure 5, exhibits that 91% of the incidents were associated with male victims. It should be noted that the term “sex” was used in relation to the victims, based on what both newspaper articles and police records deemed each victim as being. 

Figure 5: (Above) The distribution of sex for the City of Eau Claire’s drowning victims from 2002-2016 (2016).

The second attribute I looked at was the ethnicity of the victims. Also based off of police records, four generalized ethnicities were reported: “White”, “Black”, “Hispanic”, and “Asian”. Within this distribution a high portion of the victims (18) were reported as being “White”. Whereas only 2 victims were reported as being “Black”, and only one victim for both “Hispanic” and “Asian” respectively. Figure 6, shows this trend of ethnicity. 

Figure 6: (Below) Distribution of victims’ ethnicity based on data provided by the City of Eau Claire Police Department (2016).

Furthermore, victims’ ages ranged from 4 years old to 91 and were divided into seven age groups: 0-9, 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, and 60+. Of the seven categories, highest number of incidents occurred within the 20 to 29 age group. This age group included 8 out of the 22 victims or 36% of the total incidents. Figure 7, is the spatial representation of age within the different age categories. Whereas figure 8 is a graph showing the number of victims per age group.

Figure 7: The distribution of age for the victims from 2002-2016 by grouping (2016).

Figure 8: The number of victims per age group (2016).

The next set of trends I examined were: the consumption of alcohol, the overall nature of the incident, the season or time of year that correlates with these incidents. For the first factor, figure 9 shows that only 39% (9 victims) of the incidents were associated with use of alcohol as a contributing factor, with an additional 9% where use of the substance was undetermined. However, of the 9 confirmed cases of alcohol use, 78% of them occurred within the 20-29 years old age group. Figure 10 is a bivariate map showing this spatial distribution.

Figure 9: Distribution of whether alcohol was a factor in drowning incident (2016).
Figure 10: Distribution of age in association with alcohol as a factor (2016).

The second factor in review was the nature of the incident. Figure 11, depicts 73% of the 22 cases were deemed as accidental in nature, with again only 9% of the incidents being intentional. In relation to these non-accidental incidents, the two cases were both in correspondence with older, non-college aged individuals. Figure 12 is the corresponding locations in relation to victim intent.

Figure 11: Incident intent expressed as percentages (2016).

Figure 12: Locational distribution of incident intent (2016).

Lastly, I looked at seasonal trends in relation to the incidents. As figure 13 demonstrates, almost half of the incidents or 9, occurred during the summer months (June, July, and August), making this season the most dangerous for drowning incidents within Eau Claire. This is then closely followed by Fall, with 7 incidents. Although it could be noted that most of the Fall incidents occurred within the warmer, early months. Figure 14, shows the month for each of the resulting months.

Figure 13: The number of incidents per season (2016).
Figure 14: Locational distribution of the month of incident occurrence (2016).


To begin my discussion, I would like to conduct a profile comparison of high risk demographics with my results, and CDC statistics. In relation to the CDC, both figures 15 and 16 are graphs demonstrating the national distribution of high risk demographics. When looking at  figure 15, which looks CDC (2011) statistics of age and sex of the victims, is compared with figure 5 and 8, it can be seen that the City of Eau Claire demonstrates similar results for these factors. That is, the victims associated with the City of Eau Claire are most males with the largest age group of victims being 20-29 years old, more specifically 20 to 23 years old. Figure 15 shows that the group of victims associated with national drowning statistics are males, 20-24 years old. Furthermore, it can be seen that according to the CDC study (2011), men have a disproportionally high number of male victims compared with female victims. I found it interesting that this too, was the situation within the City of Eau Claire.

Figure 15: Age and sex comparison of natural waterway drowning victims in the 
US from 1999 to 2007 (CDC, 2011).

Figure 16, is CDC (2011) data that looks at the ethnic distribution of the victims associated with drowning. It is within this region of data, that the comparison between my AOI and the United States differs. When looking at age in relation to ethnicity, Eau Claire statistics seem to match up with CDC (2011) records. This means that within figure 16 age group associated with the highest rates of drowning for both “White” and “Hispanic” is 20-25 years old. As previously mentioned, the majority of Eau Claire based drownings occur within “White” males, aged 20-29 years old. 

Figure 16: Ethnicity rates for drowning per age group (CDC, 2011).

As for the one victim that was identified as being “Hispanic”, he was 22 years old. Whereas CDC (2011) records show that the main age for victims who are identified as “Black” is 15 to 19. Within my results, there were two cases of victims being identified as “Black”, their ages being 15 and 16. What differs is that the drowning risk for “minorities” is much higher than what my results for Eau Claire shows. This is due to the ethnic makeup of the City of Eau Claire. According to the US Census Bureau (2015), in 2010 Eau Claire was mostly comprised of “White” identified individuals (91.4%). Although this is only census data from year, a quick search of past census data yielded the same result. 

Furthermore, the CDC also states that of all drowning related incidents, roughly 70% involve the use of alcohol. I found this interesting because although my data results showed only 41% of all the incidents involved alcohol, 78% of those incidents occur within the 20-29 years old age group. To me, this result shows that the even though the City of Eau Claire is below the national percent, this factor is a major issue within the main high risk age group.

As previously mentioned, based on my research I found three main locations for high risk of drowning These locations can be seen by figures 17, 18, and 19. According to a recent study conducted by Roger Falconer (2016), the author looks at dangerous factors for people associated with flooded river ways. These factors include: hydraulic jumps or changes in velocity, drop offs into high velocity, and unstable footing. Figure 17 looks at drowning incidents by Riverview Park. Within this location four different drownings occurred between my time frame. In relation to a bathymetric map created by Sean Hartnett (2014), this area signifies a steep drop off into higher velocity waters. The location of three of the incidents occurred off of an impromptu beach no mention of the associated hazard. The second location occurs near the Lake St. bridge, and is associated with two of the known locations. Although the number of incidents is much smaller than Riverview Park, this location does have a higher velocity current that goes underneath the bridge. When flooded, this area becomes more dangerous. The last location is associated with Half Moon Beach. Although this location is relatively shallow with no current, thus issue associated with this location is alcohol. Or more specifically drunk individuals going to the beach to swim. 

Figure 17: The first high risk location in discussion, Riverview Park (2016).
Figure 18: The second high risk location in review, Lake Street Bridge (2016).
Figure 19: The last high risk location talked about, Half Moon Beach (2016).

But what can be done in these locations? One organization called, the Eau Claire Water Safety Task Force, is working on the task. This task force is a volunteer based organization whose purpose is to provide both information and mitigation methods to the community of Eau Claire. Some of these methods include: school talks, life jacket loaner boards, and life jacket give-aways. More specifically, school talks are given yearly to all 5th grade classes within the city limits, and one during orientation for incoming college freshman. Whereas the loaner boards are located by two of my high risk locations, Riverview Park and Half Moon Beach. Furthermore, life jackets are given away every Father’s Day.

            It is because of this task force that Eau Claire’s water safety concern is much more advanced than many other communities with similar situations. However, I believe that there is still room for improvement. According to Peden (2016) some mitigation methods include: fencing and signage, depth gauges, life jackets, and water safety related programs and policies. Peden (2016) further mentions more specific tactics such as educational programs specifically meant to target the high risk demographic, and providing free life jackets as popular swimming venues. The Eau Claire Water Safety Task Force has provided both educational programs for mainly 5th graders, and free life jacket opportunities for within the community. Yet based on Peden’s (2016) recommendations, fencing and especially signage could be improved within areas of the river that may not be easily supervised locations such as underneath Lake St. Bridge and by the make shift beach at Riverview Park. Furthermore, more extensive educational programs need to exist within the target demographic. This means water safety programs or even clubs that work towards providing information for safe water practices. My last recommendations are larger scale options that are listed by WHO (2016) and complement Peden’s (2016) work, this include: making swimming lessons for a specific grade mandatory, strengthening public awareness through media based methods, coordinate different organizations and government sectors to develop a water safety mitigation plan, and lastly to conduct proper research on the locations and conditions associated with high risk locations.


Based on my research, it was discovered that the target demographic for drowning, are “White” males, within their early 20’s. Furthermore, the data shows that in this demographic, alcohol was often a factor for the incident. Locationally, dangerous areas are associated with sudden drop offs, high velocities, lack of supervision, and unstable footing. Based on this knowledge, my final recommendations for the City of Eau Claire would be to first develop a water safety plan that would provide a delegated funding for warning signs, and at times fencing in locations along the river that lack supervision. The plan would also outline educational programs meant for different ages among the community. My last recommendation would be to conduct more in depth studies on high risk locations. This would provide better insight as to where future mitigation based infrastructure should be located.

When first starting my research, I thought that the City of Eau Claire lacked many of the mitigation methods needed to make the area’s waterways safe. After conducting my research, I believe that Eau Claire is well on its way to truly making high risk locations safer for the community. In essence, the City of Eau Claire has the materials to build something great, all we need now is the man power.


I would like to thank, Department of Geography and Anthropology for providing me with the resources needed to conduct my research, my mentors, colleagues, and Professor Garry Running for allowing me to bounce ideas and opinions in regards to my research off of them, and both Dave Whitehouse and Chris Jaeger for taking time out of their busy schedules to provide interviews and data regarding my research.

References Cited

Center for Disease and Control. “Drowning Risks in Natural Water Settings.” June 13, 2012. Accessed October 2, 2016.

Eau Claire Area Economic Development Corporation. “Eau Claire Demographic Information.” 2016. Accessed October 2, 2016.

Kappes, M.s., M. Papathoma-Köhle, and M. Keiler. "Assessing physical vulnerability for multi-hazards using an indicator-based methodology." Applied Geography 32, no. 2 (2012): 577-90. doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2011.07.002.

Kvočka, Davor, Roger A. Falconer, and Michaela Bray. "Flood hazard assessment for extreme flood events." Natural Hazards 84, no. 3 (2016): 1569-599. doi:10.1007/s11069-016-2501-z.

Peden, A. E., R. C. Franklin & P. A. Leggat (2016) Fatal river drowning: the identification of research gaps through a systematic literature review. Injury Prevention, 22, 202-209.

Turgut, A. (2014) A population-based study on deaths by drowning incidents in Turkey. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 21, 61-67.

US Census Bureau. “QuickFacts, Eau Claire City, Wisconsin.” 2015. Accessed October 2, 2016.,55035.

World Health Organization. “Drowning.” September 2, 2016. Accessed October 2, 2016.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

A Literature Review

November 11, 2016

            The purpose of this paper is threefold: the first is to introduce three different peer-reviewed geographic journal articles, summarize each of them, and then relate each article to my own study project. I used three separate topics to find different articles that applied to my studies. These topics are: “tool” or methods used for research, “topic” or in this instance, drowning, and “region” or area of interest. All articles in review were found through the Web of Science search engine.

The First Review
Tool – Methods

            The first article in review is A population-based study on deaths by drowning incidents in Turkey by Adnan Turguta (2014). Within this article, the author discusses the current standards for recording drowning incidents and prevention management methods used for Turkey. Turguta explains that as a country, Turkey has a relatively high drowning rate, yet protocol for recording, managing, and furthermore, mitigation is miniscule at best. Thus, Turguta’s article used online nationwide news articles over the span of five years, to develop a risk analysis that profiles drowning accidents within Turkey. In doing so, Turguta identified three main factors such as the victim’s sex, age, and general location of the accident. “General location” was divided into two main categories: whether the accident occurred in a rural or urban setting, and what type of water feature did that accident happen in.
            From this research, Turguta recorded 3,216 separate drownings. Turguta research found trends such as: 84% of all victims were males, the highest group of victims were between the age of 10 to 19 years old, and that rural, natural water ways (i.e. river, creek, stream, ditch) accounted for much of accidents. From these results, Turguta hypothesizes that many victims are males, aged 10-19, that live in urban areas and are going to rural, natural waterways to swim. The author ends his article by suggesting the development of water safety organizations that could provide the grounds for different water safety education programs and policies within Turkey.
            Turguta’s article was used as a “tool” within my own research. When this semester began, I came into capstone knowing exactly what I wanted to research, but not how to accomplish the task of doing so. This article provided me with a starting point on how to do so. Like Turguta, I used localized online news articles to find data such as: age, sex, and location, of individuals related to the accidents. However, unlike Turguta, my area of interest is much smaller, thus to increase the number of data points to work with, the number of years used for data collection expanded to 14, or what was electronically available online. Again, unlike Turguta’s situation, recording methods for drowning related accidents in Eau Claire are more developed. This meant that I could back up my personal search with data collected by Eau Claire’s Police Department.

The Second Review
Topic – Drowning

            The second article in review is A study on rescuer drowning and multiple drowning incidents, which was also written by Adnan Turgut (2012). Within this study, Turgut looked at attributing factors of victims related related in multiple drowning incidents. Yet before the author did this, first he took the time to define what it means to drown. Turgut states that drowning occurs when there is respiratory impairment from being submerged in a liquid, and can lead to death. However, according to Turgut’s studies, drowning is the most preventable category in accidental injury-related deaths. To outline these prevention methods, Turgut sticks to generalized suggestions and instead focuses on the need for proper studies that relate drowning.
            This article was used as a back drop for my topic of drowning. I found this data very useful because it provided me with another aspect of drowning related risks. Turgut’s article also provides a more generalized outlook on my topic. This outlook can then be used as a base point in which my research can narrow into a more specific area of drowning related accidents.
The Final Review
Region – River Systems

The final article in review is Fatal river drowning: the identification of research gaps through a systematic literature review by Amy E. Peden (2016). Within this article, the author investigates different scientific literature that focuses on river drownings, in order to identify corresponding trends associated with victims, risk factors of accident locations, and different recommended mitigation tactics. In doing so, the author also discusses data inconsistencies or research gaps that should be addressed in future river drowning studies. The author begins her review by stating that drowning is the third highest cause of injury related deaths in the world (World Health Organization), yet there is little in the way of source specific mitigation research. Peden hypothesizes that this lack of literature is due to generalized groups of different water features. For example, Peden’s review is based specifically on river related drownings. Yet, as the author points out, rivers are grouped into a larger category of natural waterways. Also depicted in this category are lakes, creeks, beaches, harbors, oceans and dams. As Peden notes, this combined category makes finding river specific literature harder to locate.
            That being said, Peden was able to establish certain trends that were associated with river drownings.  These trends or risk factors, as the author refers to them as, included victim attributes such as: age, sex, personal behavior, consumption of alcohol, and the ability to swim. However, Peden also found trends within the environment including: river depth or sudden drop offs, water clarity, underwater obstructions, currents, and seasonal variances. Peden ends her literature review with different river safety mitigation techniques that range from generalized methods to more specific examples. 
            This literature review was very useful to me as it provided a lot of background information on river based drowning. Within Peden’s introduction, she notes that finding literature that is specific to river drownings is often very difficult to do. In comparison, I have also found this challenging. Thus finding a literature review that could summarize specific trends demonstrated in academic journals proved to be very valuable.  From Peden’s review I was able to gain information on river drowning on a global scale and see what different countries are doing to combat this public safety issue. I also found it very useful that Peden explored both generalized and more specific examples of mitigation methods used in regards to waterways.

Literature Needed

            While conducting literature based research I found multiple case studies on regional drowning occurrences. From this data, I was able to find a method for victim based data collection, and different attributes associated with said victims. From these journal articles, I also developed a clearer understanding of why my research project was important. However, I still feel that I need more research what makes a river system dangerous to human safety. Once I find this information, I feel that the final connection from epidemiology and geography will be established. This connection is what would label my research as geographically based instead of being associated with public safety and health.

Peden, A. E., R. C. Franklin & P. A. Leggat (2016) Fatal river drowning: the identification of research gaps through a systematic literature review. Injury Prevention, 22, 202-209.

Turgut, A. (2012) A study on rescuer drowning and multiple drowning incidents. Journal of Safety Research, 43, 129-132.

Turgut, A. (2014) A population-based study on deaths by drowning incidents in Turkey. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 21, 61-67.

Waterways and Risk Perception in the City of Eau Claire

October 19, 2016


            The purpose of this paper is to introduce my research topic, the relevance of my topic, and the data that will be used in correspondence to my research. I chose to center my research on the waterways that are present within the city limits of Eau Claire, Wisconsin. More specifically, my research question is “What areas within Eau Claire’s waterways are more prone to fatal accidents, and what trends can be associated with both victims and the locations of their accident?” To achieve this research question I will be using multiple data types including: local newspaper articles and police reports of drownings within my study area, regional maps and records of the waterways associated with drownings, peer reviewed articles by authors like Peden (2016), Turgut (2012), and Hellman (2015), and government based reports from organizations like the US Census Bureau, Center for Disease Control, and Eau Claire’s Economic Development Division.

Research Data

             I chose this research topic due to Eau Claire’s spatial and demographic characteristics. When the City of Eau Claire is inquired about on Google Earth, it can be seen rather quickly that many different waterway features dominate the city. Furthermore, Google Earth shows that the confluence of two major rivers, the Eau Claire River and Chippewa River, convene near the city’s center. With an estimated population of 67,778 (US Census Bureau, 2015) in 2015, mixed with multiple natural water features within city limits, I believe that river safety should be a major consideration for the Eau Claire area.

Newspaper Articles

Figure 2.1: This excel spreadsheet consists of data for drowning victims recorded in the City of Eau Claire from 2002 to 2016. All data on victims was located through local news articles

            The first data type I considered in my research were newspaper articles and police reports of the different drownings within the Eau Claire City limits. As of right now, my data on drowning victims is limited to newspaper articles by Leader Telegram and WEAU 13 News, that are archived on the internet. However, I am currently in contact with the crime analyst of Eau Claire, and will meeting with him in hopes of receiving a more complete record of the areas drowning victims from 1990 to present. From the online news articles I was able to locate 13 different cases of drowning from 2002 to 2016. Data collected from these news articles was then condensed into an Excel spreadsheet (figure 1.0). This spread sheet will be then be used to create a database that can be further analyzed in ArcMap. The attributes I chose to look at were the victims’ sex, ethnicity, age, blood alcohol content, whether or not the drowning was accidental, and if the individual was currently a college student. I also took note of the general location of the accident and the latitude and longitude associated with it. Although, it should be noted that the coordinates listed are a generalized estimate of where the actual accident occurred, based on the data provided by the news articles. However, it is my hope to clarify the actual locations of these accidents with the data that will be provided by Eau Claire’s crime analyst.

Regional Maps

            To reference the coordinates depicted in figure 1.0, I used two main sources. The first was Google Earth, and the second was a set of maps that were recently produced by Sean Hartnett (2016). The first source, Google Earth, was used to locate longitude and latitude associated with the location. Whereas the second source was used to reference locational depths and potential hazards of the areas associated with the accidents. Once rules are assigned to my excel speadsheet, the database will be used to create a map that specifies high risk areas within Eau Claire’s city limits.

Peer Reviewed Articles

            While looking at regional maps, I had noticed that the waterways within Eau Claire are either rivers, or river based features such as dams and oxbow lakes. For this reason, I focused my research on articles pertaining to risk assessment, risk perception, and similar case studies associated with rivers. At this point in time, I have seven articles that I have found useful for my research topic. However the articles that have had the most relevance to my research are: Living with floods and coping with vulnerability by J. Hellman (2015), Fatal river drowning: the identification of research gaps through a systematic literature review by A.E. Peden (2016), A study on rescuer drowning and multiple drowning incidents by A. Turget (2012), and The Hidden Tragedy of Rivers: A Decade of Unintentional Fatal Drowning in Australia by A.E. Peden (2016)

            In general it was rather difficult to find articles related to river based public safety. This is as Hellman (2015) notes is due to situational characteristics of the area involved, meaning that mitigation and public prevention methods are based on the community involved instead of a specific model. Furthermore, Peden (2016) notes in his article, Fatal river drowning: the identification of research gaps through a systematic literature review, thatUnlike other location-specific prevention efforts (home swimming pools and beaches), little is known about prevention targeting river drowning deaths(page 1, 2016). For these reasons, I have had a hard time finding a model in which to based my research on and instead have created a generalized path of how to conduct my project. To remedy this issue I plan on talking with Hans Kishel on potential article searches.

Governmental Reports

            To obtain statistical data for the City of Eau Claire, the state of Wisconsin, and United States, I used multiple governmental reports from agencies like: the Center for Disease Control, US Census Bureau, and Eau Claire’s Economic Development Division. The data that I collected covered an array of topics from local demographics, state demographics, national statistics on drowning, and characteristics of dangerous river systems. I found this data useful for filling the data that I could not find through journal articles.

How the Data Relates to my Research Objective

            After developing my research question and the path I would like it to take, I believe that my research project is centered in human-environmental geography. It is because of this that both records on drowning victims in the area and regional maps become the basis of my research. Whereas the peer reviewed articles and governmental reports I found, give context to my research. This context is used to compare and contrast my study area to both state and country levels.


 Franklin, R. C., J. C. King, P. J. Aitken & P. A. Leggat (2014) "Washed away"-assessing community perceptions of flooding and prevention strategies: a North Queensland example. Natural Hazards,  73, 1977-1998.

Hellman, J. (2015) Living with floods and coping with vulnerability. Disaster Prevention and Management, 24, 468-483.

Jonkman, S. N., R. Jongejan & B. Maaskant (2011) The Use of Individual and Societal Risk Criteria Within the Dutch Flood Safety Policy-Nationwide Estimates of Societal Risk and Policy Applications. Risk Analysis, 31, 282-300.

Peden, A. E., R. C. Franklin & P. A. Leggat (2016a) Fatal river drowning: the identification of research gaps through a systematic literature review. Injury Prevention, 22, 202-209.

--- (2016b) The Hidden Tragedy of Rivers: A Decade of Unintentional Fatal Drowning in Australia. Plos One, 11, 15.

Turgut, A. & T. Turgut (2012) A study on rescuer drowning and multiple drowning incidents. Journal of Safety Research, 43, 129-132.

Zevenbergen, C., J. Rijke, S. van Herk & P. Bloemen (2015) Room for the River: a stepping stone in Adaptive Delta Management. International Journal of Water Governance, 121-140.